Sohad Murrar is an Assistant Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Illinois Chicago. She also serves as an expert scholar for the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding and a researcher for the Initiative on Islam & Medicine doing collaborative work with the Medical College of Wisconsin.
Sohad researches intergroup relations and social interventions with a focus on developing and testing social interventions that seek to reduce prejudice and create inclusive environments. She consults on the representation of social minority groups in films, television, and educational materials and works with educational institutions and companies to develop effective diversity and inclusion strategies using evidence-based approaches for social change.
For prospective Ph.D. students: Sohad will be reviewing applications this cycle for graduate students interested in joining her lab in Fall 2025. The UIC application deadline is Dec 1. You can find answers to commonly asked questions about the application process and social psychology PhD program here. Her lab would be a good fit for people interested in studying: (1) social interventions, (2) prejudice, discrimination, and intergroup relations, (3) entertainment media narratives, and (4) social norms and influence.